Unlocking My Potential: A Fitness Journey

For over a decade, fitness has been my guiding light, transforming my life in unimaginable ways. Thirteen years ago, I found myself lacking direction and unhappy with what I saw in the mirror. But stepping into the local YMCA changed everything. Committing to consistent workouts, I shed 70 pounds and switched from fast food to home-cooked meals.

However, this transformation wasn't easy. My shift in lifestyle led to unintentional isolation as friends and family struggled to understand my newfound dedication. Their confusion turned into judgement– from being ridiculed for my weight to being criticized for becoming "too skinny."

Despite the challenges, I became a beacon of health, and an inspiration for others seeking weight loss. People often asked me about finding motivation, a concept I struggled to comprehend. My journey wasn't about finding external inspiration; it was an internal drive, a determination that many found hard to grasp.

Witnessing others falter on this path made me realize the unique skill I had developed. Amidst societal pressures promoting unhealthy habits, I chose a different path, mastering the art of channeling anger into positive change. This newfound mental fortitude from fitness spilled over into other aspects of my life, making other problems seem conquerable.


My workouts became my sanctuary, where I pushed boundaries and discovered my true capabilities. This journey also meant recognizing that my values would sometimes diverge from those around me. Had I not gained the confidence to trust my internal drive, I might have remained stagnant.

A few years later, at 26, I was now coaching others through their own transformations, when an Instagram post about a Spartan race caught my eye. Despite knowing little about it, a fire ignited within me, compelling me to sign up for a 10k race with minimal preparation.

The first race was humbling; I finished last, unable to conquer several obstacles. Yet, instead of discouragement, I felt determined to return stronger. Rigorous training led to a remarkable improvement, and I conquered every obstacle without a single penalty burpee and finished in the top percentile, just two months later. 

This experience taught me the power of perseverance – the "chip on the shoulder" mentality in entrepreneurship and the 90% mental aspect in athletics. Despite not considering myself an athlete, I discovered an unyielding desire to succeed. In pushing physical limits, I realized our society often overlooks our primal capacities, and I gained invaluable resilience. 

**Gaining Grit through Workouts**

Gaining grit through workouts can significantly impact how one handles various aspects of life. Here's how:

1. **Resilience**: Enduring challenging workouts teaches resilience. When faced with difficulties in life, individuals with grit are better equipped to bounce back, learning from setbacks and pushing forward with determination.

2. **Mental Toughness**: Overcoming physical challenges builds mental strength. This toughness translates into the ability to handle stress, setbacks, and pressure in other areas, fostering a mindset of perseverance and tenacity.

3. **Problem-Solving Skills**: Workouts often present hurdles that require creative solutions. Developing grit in fitness enhances problem-solving abilities, applying this skill to confront obstacles in work, relationships, or personal goals.

4. **Self-Discipline**: Consistent workouts demand self-discipline and commitment. This discipline extends beyond the gym, aiding in time management, goal setting, and the dedication needed to accomplish tasks outside of fitness. 

5. **Confidence Boost**: Successfully tackling difficult workouts bolsters self-confidence. This newfound self-assurance translates into greater self-belief when handling challenges in all spheres of life.

6. **Stress Management**: Regular exercise acts as a stress reliever. Gaining grit in workouts contributes to better stress management, enabling individuals to handle pressure and adversity with a calmer, more composed approach.

Overall, the grit cultivated through fitness isn't just physical; it's a transferable skillset that fortifies individuals, enabling them to confront life's challenges with resilience, determination, and a positive mindset. If I can be a part of helping someone unlock these benefits, I feel I have done my job effectively! 

The journey of fitness teaches us that regardless of our proficiency level, it consistently humbles us. By engaging in it properly, boredom fades away as we continuously seek ways to enhance specific aspects. I aspire to assist individuals in discovering their inner drive and determination. Sometimes, I aim to ignite that motivation in those who might not recognize it within themselves. Stepping beyond our limits and achieving physical feats we once deemed impossible shapes us into better individuals. It's essential to understand that relying solely on motivation won't take us far; however, embracing delayed gratification while working with a coach can lead to significant breakthroughs in our fitness journey! 


If you think I can help, please don’t hesitate to reach out so we can talk about it! 

Instagram @tenaciously_fit


Kimberly Gerhard